
Thank you NAVA! | Sea4Us

Obrigado à NAVA, nosso patrocinador (MUNDINAUTICA PORTUGAL). Graças à contribuição do Jorge Mourinho, temos tido mergulhos quentinhos!

Esta fotografia foi tirada no princípio de Setembro, com o Tomás Santos e o nosso co-fundador e gestor depois de mais um mergulho bem sucedido, graças ao material de mergulho da NAVA.

Thank you to NAVA, our sponsor (MUNDINAUTICA PORTUGAL). Thanks to the contribution of Jorge Mourinho, we have had very warm scuba-diving session!

This photograph was taken in the beginning of September, with Tomás Santos and our co-founder and general manager after another successful dive, thanks to NAVA’s diving material.


Sea4Us was at the “11th Brazilian Congress of Pain” | Marisa Sousa

Our co-founder and scientific researcher Marisa Sousa represented Sea4Us at the “11th Brazilian Congress of Pain” that took place at Frei Caneca Convention Center in São Paulo (Brazil) on 3-6th September 2014.

This was Sea4Us’s first poster publication at a Pain Conference that resulted from the scientific collaboration with NOVA Medical School/Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, CEDOC (Chronic Diseases Research Center) and the Hospital S. José.


Crowdfunding Campaign – Press Release

“With only one Euro you can help fight Chronic pain” (“Com um euro pode combater a dor crónica”) – this was the title for the first press release that came up on “Ciência Hoje” following our crowdfunding campaign: Marine Organisms for the Treatment of Chronic Pain.


You can find out more press releases related to the current crowdfunding campaign on the following links:

Notícias do Mar – on 23.07.2014.

Ciência Hoje – on 30.07.2014.

TV Ciência – on 01.08.2014.

Diário de Notícias – on 04.08.2014.

GreenSavers – on 05.08.2014.

O Meu Bem Estar – on 06.08.2014.

Boas Notícias – on 07.08.2014.




Sea4Us Crowdfunding Campaign – Marine Organisms for the Treatment of Chronic Pain

During the last months, Sea4Us has been actively seeking funding and applying to several awards. Although we have already obtained some funds, these are not yet available.

This year’s diving season has already started and it is the optimal time for the collection of samples from marine organisms, but we do not possess the necessary resources to accomplish this task! Please help us fund the sample collection activities and the development of our startup!

For this, we have created a crowdfunding campaign in which you can support us and that is available here:

Marine Organisms for the Treatment of Chronic Pain

Help us make our dream come true and, in return, we will reward you with some pleasant gifts! These include t-shirts, artistic pieces with inspiration from the sea bottom, visits to our laboratory, snorkeling in Sagres and even a dinner with the co-founders/promoters of Sea4Us, in which we will explain our project in detail!


Join us in this quest for a new therapy for chronic pain!


Semi-finalists for the Everis Foundation’s Entrepreneurs Award 2014

Sea4Us was selected for the semi-finals of Everis Foundation’s Entrepreneurs Award 2014, a competition where 300 valid applications were analysed by an expert committee. Our co-founder Filipe Vilas-Boas represented Sea4Us at the “IV assessment event”, corresponding to the “Biotechnology and Health” category held on May 20th at Fundación Everis’s headquarters in Madrid. At this time, we were not selected as finalists, but we wish the best of luck for the Portuguese teams still in the competition!