
Crowdfunding Campaign – Press Release

“With only one Euro you can help fight Chronic pain” (“Com um euro pode combater a dor crónica”) – this was the title for the first press release that came up on “Ciência Hoje” following our crowdfunding campaign: Marine Organisms for the Treatment of Chronic Pain.


You can find out more press releases related to the current crowdfunding campaign on the following links:

Notícias do Mar – on 23.07.2014.

Ciência Hoje – on 30.07.2014.

TV Ciência – on 01.08.2014.

Diário de Notícias – on 04.08.2014.

GreenSavers – on 05.08.2014.

O Meu Bem Estar – on 06.08.2014.

Boas Notícias – on 07.08.2014.