We are a deeply committed multidisciplinary team with high experience in scientific and management fields that are fundamental to the success of Sea4Us research. Areas of scientific expertise include biotechnology, biochemistry, biology, chemistry among others.

Board of Directors

President of the Board, CEO, CSO

Pedro (LinkedIn) is a Senior Researcher (doctorate), Neurophysiologist, Marine Biologist and founder of Sea4Us. With a degree in Marine Biology from the University of Algarve and PhD in Neurophysiology by the University of Sheffield / Plymouth Marine Biological Association of the UK, he has a vast experience in R&D activities, with special emphasis on scientific research in Neurosciences and Physiology. Since 2010 he has his laboratory at Nova Medical School, where he teaches Physiology to medical students. Pedro is responsible for the general management of the company, coordinating also the management of all internal scientific activities and external technical, scientific and consulting entities, assuring the correct execution of the R&D objectives of the projects. The daily management of R&D activities is supported by André Bastos.

Board Member,

Nuno (LinkedIn) is also one of the founders of Sea4Us and the Financial and Human Resources Manager of the company who is responsible for the Financial management, accounting and the overall financial execution of the project (budget requests, orders, payment of invoices, contracts, accounting management, submission of legal and obligatory documents to the financing entities and contributory, tax and customs authorities). He holds a Degree in Management and a Masters Degree in Accounting and Taxation from ISCTE Business School while he has several years of experience in project management and Financial Direction in several companies.

Board Member,
R&D Manager

André (LinkedIn) is another of the founders of Sea4Us and the R&D Manager of the company. He holds a Degree, a Masters Degree and a PhD in Biochemistry by the University of Lisbon and has experience in scientific research in Neuroscience and Physiology, developing studies related to neuroexcitability in central and peripheral neurons, by using electrophysiological and biophysical techniques. Together with Pedro Lima (see above), André is responsible for the management of the daily internal R&D activities of the projects.

Management Team

Funding, Business and Innovation Manager

PM Quality,
SGIDI Manager

R&D PM, Senior Scientist – Chronic Pain

R&D PM, Senior Scientist – Biotechnology 

R&D PM, Senior Scientist – Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathic Pain

PM for Public Funds

Scientific Team

Animal Research Manager 

Electrophysiology,  Pharmacology, Rodent Surgery, Animal Behaviour

PhD Student

Electrophysiology, Pharmacology, Animal Behaviour


Marine Biology

Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Electrophysiology

Electrophysiology, Animal Behaviour

Electrophysiology, Animal Behaviour

Biotechnology, Analytical Chemistry

Marine Biology, Diving

MSc Student

Technical Assistant, Diving

Office Team

Admin, Financial Controller

Admin Assistant


The work of Pedro Lima back in 2011 at the Physiology lab in NOVA Medical School led to the identification of the molecular targets for chronic pain treatment and to the collection of marine extracts to generate a compound library to work with.

The development of research into these compounds has consolidated results and new discoveries leading to the Sea4Us team having participated in an entrepreneurship / business accelerator program and by August 2013 Sea4Us was legally incorporated.