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Pedro Lima receives UAlg “Prémio Carreira Almuni”

Pedro Lima receives UAlg "Prémio Carreira Almuni"

On Februrary 2nd, 2019, Sea4Us CEO, Pedro Lima, was awarded the “Prémio Carreira Alumni“. This is an award that honors and distinguishes a graduate of the University of Algarve (UAlg). It is intended to recognize the career of a graduate with proven relevance in the development of society and recognition of the quality of UAlg teaching. The entire academic community (teachers, non-teachers, students, former students) can participate by indicating one or more graduates who meet the conditions set out in the regulation of this initiative.



Congrats, Gilberto!

Yesterday, Gilberto Pereira defended his master’s thesis, held at an internship here at Sea4Us. The thesis focused on the development of a chemoinformatic tool for screening of voltage-gated potassium channels inhibitors. The thesis earned a brilliant 19/20. The entire Sea4Us team is very proud of his work! Congrats, Gilberto!


Seal of Excellence by the European Commission

Seal of Excellence by the European Commission

At the last SME Instruments Phase 1 call, Sea4Us was awarded a Seal of Excellence by the European Commission.


The SME instrument is part of the European Innovation Council pilot (EIC pilot). This was launched on 27th October 2017 as part of the Horizon 2020 Work programme 2018-2020, when the SME Instrument, the Fast Track to Innovation (FTI), Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Open and Horizon Prizes, were brought under the EIC pilot umbrella, to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for funding of innovators/innovations in the EU. Thus, this program aims to meet the financing needs of SMEs oriented towards internationalization and, in particular, young entrepreneurs in the implementation of innovative ideas of high potential.
SME Instruments is divided into three phases: Phase 1 aims to assess the technological, technical and economic viability of the project through a donation of 50,000 euros; Phase 2 supports the development of the innovation project and can finance between EUR 500 000 and 2.5 million and Phase 3 is aimed at supporting the market.


The “Seal of Excellence” is a quality label awarded to project proposals submitted for funding under the Research and Innovation category of the Horizon 2020 Strategy. It is given to those projects that have been able to pass all the rigorous selection and award criteria of the evaluation Horizon 2020.

The project proposal 790656, SEA4PAIN – Development of a novel analgesic for chronic pain from marine-derived compounds, submitted under the Horizon 2020’s SME instrument phase 1 call H2020-SMEInst-2016-2017 (H2020-SMEINST-1-2016-2017) of 6 September 2017 in the area of SMEInst-08-2016-2017 supporting SMEs efforts for the development – deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth by following evaluation by an international panel of independent experts was scored as a high-quality project proposal in a highly competitive evaluation process.


Congrats Rosa!

Our very own Ana Rosa Abreu defended today her master’s thesis, held at an internship here at Sea4Us. The thesis focused on the role of the voltage-gated potassium channels present in the trigeminal ganglion in orofacial chronic pain. The thesis earned a brilliant 19/20. The entire Sea4Us team is very proud of the performance of our talented and dedicated researcher! Congrats, Rosa!

Sea4Us @ European Researchers’ Night

Hundreds of cities from various countries celebrated the European Researchers’ Night on the 29th of September 2017. Every year the event seeks to bring scientists closer to the general public by creating informal, playful and educational activities .

In the 2017 edition, Sea4Us was present at the National Museum of Natural History and Science, in Príncipe Real, Lisbon. That night, we focused on showing the public our daily lives in the laboratory and also our latest scientific advances through illustrative activities. We had a Quiz on The Sea, the Good Pain and the Bad Pain, samples of sponges, corals and even an extract with analgesic and anticancer properties, and a neuron where people could experience a large-scale patch-clamp!

Let’s visit the activities one by one?


Energy and enthusiasm were the watchwords for that night. Ana Rosa, Beatriz, Clara and Nuno always had “their hands in the dough” so that everything was ready in time for the event.

Sponges, Corals, Extracts!

The first activity was to present to the public the process that our samples suffer from the harvest to the laboratory testing. For this, we had on display two dry sponges, two dry corals (first stage), a powdered sponge (second phase) and a sponge extract (third stage). The public could still try to guess the properties of these animals between anticancer, analgesic, both or none.

Bacteria is our friend

One of our lines of research involves the culture of bacteria that grow in our animals of interest and screening of their compounds. In the European Researchers’ Night, it was possible to observe in the magnifying glass a colony of bacteria grown from one of the sponges that was also on display!

Neurons? Jello!

Yes it’s true. We had a GIANT gelatin neuron that Clara made. How? In a rectangular mold, Clara filled the base with flour and covered it with adherent paper. Then, she pressed the flour so that the outer relief formed a neuron-shaped valley where the gelatin would be poured. In the middle of the cellular body she put a berlinde to make the nucleus and on the rest of the “cell” she added some beads to represent the ionic channels. Let it sit on the fridge and voila! A giant neuron.

On the night of September 29th, everyone could have a taste of the Sea4Us core technique: the patch-clamp. With a straw the public had to try to seal the neuron without leaving a mark, so it would not pierce the “membrane” of the neuron and get good records!


Did you participate? Did you enjoy it? The quiz was titled The Sea, the Good Pain and the Bad Pain and served the purpose of testing the public’s knowledge of its body and the Portuguese sea. For those who could not attend the night, you can still take the quiz if you follow this link.

Photobooth, Photo Bomb, Mad Scientist

Yes. We had a backdrop, official hashtags, lots of props, lab coats, erlenmeyers, mustaches, volumetric flasks with strange solutions in it, fishs, scuba diving fins, diving glasses, lab glasses … And little ties! Lots and lots of ties.

Happy Researchers 🙂

We have said it once and we say it again: energy and enthusiasm were the keywords of the night! During the six hours of the event (and all the other countless hours of preparation), Ana Rosa, Beatriz, Clara and Nuno were tireless, answering all the questions, answering all the curious eyes with a smile in their face and science facts on the tip of their tongues.

Can we count on your presence for the next year?


To go far, go together | POCTEP

Today, the 21st of September, the European Cooperation Day is celebrated!

Today is celebrated throughout Europe, for the fifth consecutive year, the European Day of Cooperation, which aims to draw attention to the importance of European territorial cooperation and the results achieved in the border areas by European regions and states, particularly in the context of INTERREG projects.

Since April 2017, Sea4Us has been involved in the ALGARED + project, which aims to implement a strategy in the Spanish-Portuguese border that promotes research and technological development in the area of ​​microalgae biotechnology and its use in health, cosmetics and aquaculture. In this context, we celebrate on this day and on all other days the European Cooperation!



Read about the launch of ALGARED+ here.

Sea4Us at NEI 2017

Sea4Us at the European Researcher’s Night

The Noite Europeia dos Investigadores (in english: European Researchers’ Night), the biggest scientific divulgation event in Portugal, is back!

This year, MUHNAC – National Museum of Natural History and Science will once again coordinate the European Researchers’ Night in a consortium with the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT / NOVA), the University of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), the Lisbon City Council (CML), the Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Oporto (MHNC-UP) and the School of Sciences of the University of Minho (ECUM) .

This event will take place on the night of 29 September, with the activities centered on MUHNAC and at Jardim do Príncipe Real.

Sea4Us will be present with a Q&A game about “good pain” and “bad pain”. You will have the opportunity to learn more about one of the oldest sensory response mechanisms on the planet, how pain can become “bad,” and how the work of scientists has contributed to the discovery of new ways of treating it.

We hope to see you there!


NeuPSIG 2017 | Sea4Us

Sea4Us was present at NeuPSIG 2017, an international forum on neuropathic pain that took place in Gothenburg, Sweden, from June 15 to June 18, 2017. I was presented the latest research and developments in understanding the mechanisms, evaluation, prevention and treatment of neuropathic pain. The meeting was indeed an excellent opportunity to network and strengthen scientific collaborations.

Sea4Us held a poster presentation by Pedro Lima (CSO)  framed in the topic “Basic Science (Animals): Physiology”. In this session, we presented the most recent and promising results of our research on neuropathic chronic pain, included in the Mar4Pain project.

Pedro returned very satisfied. He revealed that it was an excellent opportunity to network and publicize our work. The feedback he got was very positive and, above all, very pertinent and encouraging.

More information about the event at:


XV Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience | Sea4Us

On the 25th and 26th of May, 2017, the “XV Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience” took place on the Meliã Hotel, in Braga, which was attended by more than 300 researchers from 38 national and 17 international institutions.

Sea4Us attended the event and was represented by the scientific researchers André Bastos and Beatriz Szwarc, as well as by its master student Ana Rosa Abreu. All three presented innovative results acquired under the Mar4Pain project. These results unraveled new information regarding the transmission of chronic pain, fundamental for understanding the mechanisms underlying this devastating disease. With this new information, we are able to identify how the new analgesic should work in order to revert such mechanisms back to physiological conditions.


New partnerships, new project | ALGARED+

[en:]Last friday, May 12th 2017, Sea4Us was present at the University of Algarve for the kickoff meeting for the ALGARED+ project.

ALGARED+ is a network of excellence, constituted under the Operational Program EP-INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) and formed by universities, research centers, public and private companies in the aquaculture sector, biomedicine and microalgae production, located on both sides of the border. The objective of this network is the implementation of a strategy in the Spanish-Portuguese border that promotes research and technological development in the area of ​​microalgae biotechnology and its use in health, cosmetics and aquaculture.

This project will be carried out in the Algarve / Western Andalucia cross-border area, an area heavily influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, home to ecosystems of great richness and biodiversity that can form a framework of important economic activities of great strategic character, such as aquaculture and ficoculture. These activities have a high potential for innovation, and can be a source of wealth still unexplored as substances of pharmacological and cosmetic interest.

The project is articulated in 6 Activities, aimed at bioprospecting, isolation and valorization of new microalgal strains, in addition to contemplating measures of coordination among the participants and communication to the business community and society in general.

The partners?

Universidad de Huelva
Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera y de la Producción Ecológica (IFAPA)
Universidad de Córdoba
Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de Andalucía (CSIC)
Fundación Centro Tecnológico de Acuicultura de Andalucía (CTAQUA)
Universidade do Algarve (UAlg)
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA)

For more information, check the project page here.