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Pedro Lima receives UAlg “Prémio Carreira Almuni”

Pedro Lima receives UAlg "Prémio Carreira Almuni"

On Februrary 2nd, 2019, Sea4Us CEO, Pedro Lima, was awarded the “Prémio Carreira Alumni“. This is an award that honors and distinguishes a graduate of the University of Algarve (UAlg). It is intended to recognize the career of a graduate with proven relevance in the development of society and recognition of the quality of UAlg teaching. The entire academic community (teachers, non-teachers, students, former students) can participate by indicating one or more graduates who meet the conditions set out in the regulation of this initiative.



Seal of Excellence by the European Commission

Seal of Excellence by the European Commission

At the last SME Instruments Phase 1 call, Sea4Us was awarded a Seal of Excellence by the European Commission.


The SME instrument is part of the European Innovation Council pilot (EIC pilot). This was launched on 27th October 2017 as part of the Horizon 2020 Work programme 2018-2020, when the SME Instrument, the Fast Track to Innovation (FTI), Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Open and Horizon Prizes, were brought under the EIC pilot umbrella, to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for funding of innovators/innovations in the EU. Thus, this program aims to meet the financing needs of SMEs oriented towards internationalization and, in particular, young entrepreneurs in the implementation of innovative ideas of high potential.
SME Instruments is divided into three phases: Phase 1 aims to assess the technological, technical and economic viability of the project through a donation of 50,000 euros; Phase 2 supports the development of the innovation project and can finance between EUR 500 000 and 2.5 million and Phase 3 is aimed at supporting the market.


The “Seal of Excellence” is a quality label awarded to project proposals submitted for funding under the Research and Innovation category of the Horizon 2020 Strategy. It is given to those projects that have been able to pass all the rigorous selection and award criteria of the evaluation Horizon 2020.

The project proposal 790656, SEA4PAIN – Development of a novel analgesic for chronic pain from marine-derived compounds, submitted under the Horizon 2020’s SME instrument phase 1 call H2020-SMEInst-2016-2017 (H2020-SMEINST-1-2016-2017) of 6 September 2017 in the area of SMEInst-08-2016-2017 supporting SMEs efforts for the development – deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth by following evaluation by an international panel of independent experts was scored as a high-quality project proposal in a highly competitive evaluation process.

sea4us agencia lusa chronic pain

Innovative solutions for chronic pain | Agência Lusa


Innovative solutions for Chronic Pain // Agência Lusa

Sea4Us was interviewed late last year in our HeadQuarters at Sagres by Agência Lusa about one of our pipelines of research and development – Chronic Pain alternative therapeutics. We are closer and closer each day to conquer our goal.

We would like to publicly thank to everyone who shared and promoted the distribution of this interview.

SIC Notícias – Medicamento de algas para a dor crónica
RTPCiência subaquática
Rádio RenascençaPodem os seres do mar ajudar a viver com dor crónica?
Saúde OnlineInvestigação desenvolve analgésico a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
Notícias ao MinutoNovo analgésico recorre a organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
Sapo24Investigação desenvolve analgésico a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
Observador – Investigação desenvolve analgésico a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
Algarve PrimeiroMar do Algarve fornece organismos para novo medicamento
iPressGlobalInvestigadores desenvolvem novo medicamento a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
The Portugal News OnlineStrong painkiller being developed from Sagres seawater
Portugal Economy Probe – Portugal: Drug for chronic pain developed from marine organisms in the Algarve
ZAP Notícias –  Investigadores desenvolvem novo medicamento a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
Grupo GARCEAnalgésico para a dor crônica criado a partir de organismos marinhos recolhidos no Algarve
Sapo Lifestyle – Investigadores desenvolvem novo medicamento a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
A Voz do Algarve – Investigadores desenvolvem novo medicamento a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
Redator – Investigadores desenvolvem novo medicamento a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
ÍndiceCientistas portugueses criam analgésico inovador com compostos do mar
Correio da Manhã – Investigação desenvolve analgésico a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve
Beachcam Meo – Novo analgésico pode vir do mar algarvio
Atlas da Saúde – Investigação desenvolve analgésico a partir de organismos recolhidos no mar do Algarve

sea4us imed conference

iMed 8.0 Best Presentation Award | Beatriz Szwarc

iMed 8.0 Best Presentation Award | Beatriz Szwarc

One of our researchers, Beatriz Szwarc, was awarded with best Poster Presentation in Basic Research of the Fundação Astrazeneca Innovate Competition at the iMed 8.0 Lisbon 2016 conference!

imed conference sea4us

She presented about Sea4Us progress on finding specific mechanisms of neuropathic chronic pain. With this information, we know what is impaired in this devastating disease. We are positive we have the tools to revert it back into physiologic conditions. Every day we get one step closer!



Sea4Us no MUHNAC! | Filipe Vilas-Boas

Os 60 Minutos de Ciência estão de volta ao MUHNAC!
Até dezembro, todas as terceiras quintas feiras do mês, às 18h45, uma nova conversa descontraída entre especialistas e cidadãos sobre temas atuais de Ciência.


A próxima conversa é já no dia 22 de setembro com Filipe Vilas-Boas, co-fundador da Sea4Us – 18h45, no Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (na Sala Vandelli) -, sobre a utilidade que as esponjas e outros invertebrados marinhos podem ter na nossa vida, dando como exemplo as actividades da nossa empresa.

Apareçam! A entrada é livre!
Mais informações em


Sea4Us Interview with NOVA Magazine | Pedro Lima, André Bastos, Beatriz Szwarc

Sea4Us Interview with NOVA Magazine

Sea4Us received  in behalf of NOVA Magazine to talk about the collaboration we maintain with NOVA Medical School. That afternoon Pedro Lima – the CSO of Sea4Us -, André Bastos and Beatriz Szwarc – researchers at Sea4Us -,  took her to see the laboratories and s0me experiments we were carrying out at the time.

The notion of responsibility accompanies the daily life of those who work here, but “it is a very natural environment,” André Bastos comments, revealing what it is like to work in a company that could be the source of a breakthrough for chronic pain relief, a disease that causes discomfort to so many people.

To read more of what we had to said, follow this link.


Sea4Us Interview with Expresso | Portugal 2020

Sea4Us Interview with EXPRESSO | 2020 Programme

Expresso interviewed Sea4Us while covering the stories of 20 companies that received funds from the European Programme 2020 (in our case, Portugal2020). At the time, they interviewed Pedro Lima – Sea4Us CSO -, André Bastos and Joana Serrão – two of Sea4Us scientific researchers.

Those who suffer from chronic pain know the extent of the ordeal in which they live. But the answer may lie in the sea. More specifically on the Portuguese coast. Sea4us, a biotechnology company created in 2013, is developing a new painkiller for the treatment of chronic pain using active ingredients for drugs from marine organisms of the portuguese coastline. It is the wealth of the sea, still poorly explored, that guides the company in the identification and selection of marine specimens with potential, within an enormous biodiversity. Pedro Lima, one of the company’s researchers, says the team spends “many hours with bottles, often just watching marine life. And this is always the first step.”

To learn more about what we had to say, follow this link.


PROMAR funding approved!

Sea4Us’s project “Aquaculture of marine organisms for the development of compounds with therapeutic activity” was approved by the Portuguese governmental authorities!


Sea4Us is developing products of marine origin of high interest for biomedicine, from specific marine species of the Portuguese coast. For the development and production of such medicinal products, there is a pressing need for significant quantities of these species, which are not compatible with a sustainable management of the resource in nature. One of the strategies for production of these therapeutic compounds in a sustainable manner is aquaculture of the marine species of interest. This project aims at cultivating such species in aquaculture while assuring that their bioactive characteristics are maintained.