
Sea4Us no MUHNAC! | Filipe Vilas-Boas

Os 60 Minutos de Ciência estão de volta ao MUHNAC!
Até dezembro, todas as terceiras quintas feiras do mês, às 18h45, uma nova conversa descontraída entre especialistas e cidadãos sobre temas atuais de Ciência.


A próxima conversa é já no dia 22 de setembro com Filipe Vilas-Boas, co-fundador da Sea4Us – 18h45, no Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência (na Sala Vandelli) -, sobre a utilidade que as esponjas e outros invertebrados marinhos podem ter na nossa vida, dando como exemplo as actividades da nossa empresa.

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Sea4Us at iFEQB | Filipe Vilas-Boas

Sea4Us at iFEQB | Filipe Vilas-Boas

Sea4Us was represented by COO Filipe Vilas-Boas as an invited speaker at the Fórum de Engenharia Química e Biológica (iFEQB) (“Chemical and Biological Engineering Forum”) that took place at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), the 18th and 19th of May, 2016.

iFEQB is a project created by ISEL students that aims to show the work developed in companies and research centres of Chemistry, Biochemistru and Environment.

See more here:


Sea4Us at The BLUE Economy – marine bioresources value chain in Portugal | Filipe Vilas-Boas

Sea4Us at The BLUE Economy – marine bioresources value chain in Portugal

The Luso-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is organizing a seminar regarding “The BLUE Economy – marine bioresources value chain in Portugal” in the 10th of May, 2016 at 9am the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lisbon.

Sea4Us is taking part in this event as our COO Filipe Vilas-Boas was invited to be a speaker. His presentation will focus on the treatment of chronic pain utilizing the portuguese sea (title: “Do mar Português ao tratamento da dor crónica”).

More informations:


Sea4Us at Euromarine workshop | Silvia Lino and Nuno Leitão

Sea4Us was present at an Euromarine workshop in Naples, Italy, on the 4th and 5th of April, 2016. Euromarine is a network of European partners whose aim is to promote a multidisciplinary approach to the marine sciences. Under the theme Exploitation and legal aspects on marine genetics and chemical resources, the main universities, institutes and companies operating in the sector in Europe were present.

This workshop focused on the exploitation of marine genetic and chemical resources, sustainable production of bioactive compounds from the sea, legal issues on marine resources exploitation and the preclinical testing of bioactive compounds for therapeutic applications. 58 participants from 11 European countries attended, with 28 speakers from 10 different EU countries focusing on exploring bioactive compounds from marine microbial sources as efficient alternative therapies to modern pharmacology. The meeting brought together scientists from a range of backgrounds in order to explore and foresee new scenarios in marine biotechnology, and create new collaborations and funding opportunities in the framework of Horizon 2020.

This initiative will provide possible future pathways for sustainable and effective exploitation of marine genetic resources for human health and well-being. The biological diversity of our Oceans is directly linked to the chemical diversity, and both must be protected in order to keep the environments, the species and the chemicals they contain.

A round table discussion was held for future perspectives and new projects.



Sea4Us was represented by our co-founder and CFO, Nuno Leitão, and by our researcher, Silvia Lino, who made a presentation on the Sea4Us’s research, namely related to the new chronic pain analgesic that is under development at the Sea4Us’s Laboratories.